My annoyance with the Pullman snow reached a tipping point and my itching for a trail run was gaining unhealthy momentum (no trail run since Sept) so Sadie and I made our first road trip of the season to get a good, snowless trail run in.
There was one small catch: the trail was in Hell and we had to sell our soles to run it.
I love running. And this run in
Hells Canyon is why I run. I know I say that often but running has become a part of me over the past couple years and runs like this one are exactly why I do it. The travel, the solitude, the landscape, the mental and physical challenge. And Sadie, of course. This was Sadie's longest run ever: 31 miles. Good girl.
My mind and legs are getting into shape.

Trailhead marker -- our goal was to reach
Sheep Creek and then turn around

Entering Hells Canyon by foot

Sadie's most at home when she's on a trail

Several cliffs with no room for error
VIDEO: The strong gusts of wind made me a
little nervous on a few of the ledges

I think Sadie loves the trail for the same reasons I do

Historic ranches along the way

The trail brought us down by the river
several times for Sadie to take a dip and sip
(which was good because I ended up having
to drink the extra water I carried for her)

Sadie contemplating the meaning of her life near Suicide Point
(legend has it that two forbidden lovers
heaved themselves from this cliff)

A view of Suicide Point's 400 ft vertical drop

Ranch along the river

I wish I were a poet

Turnaround point

Heading back home through golden-yellow meadows

Views like this make me happy to be alive
Keep running!