My dad paced a friend during a 100 miler back east a few months ago and the advice she gave him was something to the affect of "run when you can, walk when you have to." I wanted to practice this philosophy during this race. (Is it good to try something new on race day?) So instead of forcing myself to take walk breaks every mile or so I went with the flow and ran the entire first section. I reach the aid station at mile 3.9 in around 37 minutes. I knew there was a lot of climbing to come so I thought surely it must be okay to run "when I can."

camp with Jeanie. This was Jeanie's
first time coming to an ultra and I
was very excited that she was there.
Sometimes you think you're in good shape and then you realize there are mountains on a particular course that you happen to be running on a particular day. The first time you call it a hill I'll laugh. The second time you call it a hill I'll break your nose with a dictionary, and then give it to you so you can lookup the definitions of mountains and hills. (So I looked it up and a mountain is a natural elevation of the earth's surface that's larger than a hill -- and a hill is a natural elevation of the earth's surface that's smaller than a mountain. That's no help!)
Climb and climb and climb. There was a point that I remember thinking that it would be nice to have slept through the alarm so I could still be in the hotel room sleeping. My legs are still feeling pretty good, though, and I'm keeping pretty good pace with most.
Section 3: Miles 11.7-22.1
This was a spectacular section of the trail that can only be described with these:

Like this one of Mt. Rainer (14,411'.)

[Courtesy of Glenn Tachiyama]
Section 4: Miles 22.1-27.2
This section was all downhill through some amazing forest scenery. I was glad to be going down after all the climbing and ran most of this section. It felt good. Soft trail. Nice cover from the sun. Mostly by myself. But no animals. Not once on the entire course did I see a rabbit or squirrel or bear. I heard a few birds but it was kind of surprising not running into anything.
The section before I passed my dad, who took the early (5:30am) start and he seemed to be struggling a bit. Washington DC doesn't have many "hills" to train on and he was hurting. I was hoping he could get to this section with something left in his legs because I knew he'd love it. Turns out he did but he didn't make it to the 27.2 mile aid station before the cut-off. This course doesn't give any freebies. We decided the next running trip we were going to make was going to be to a location where we'd be able to run some trails together without having to worry about a race or cut-off times. Just something we could go and enjoy the part about running that we love together. I'm proud of what he's doing. I see in him what ultra running is all about. One person versus the course. It's beat him a couple times, but he's won a few himself. He'll keep going back for the fight.
This section was all downhill through some amazing forest scenery. I was glad to be going down after all the climbing and ran most of this section. It felt good. Soft trail. Nice cover from the sun. Mostly by myself. But no animals. Not once on the entire course did I see a rabbit or squirrel or bear. I heard a few birds but it was kind of surprising not running into anything.
The section before I passed my dad, who took the early (5:30am) start and he seemed to be struggling a bit. Washington DC doesn't have many "hills" to train on and he was hurting. I was hoping he could get to this section with something left in his legs because I knew he'd love it. Turns out he did but he didn't make it to the 27.2 mile aid station before the cut-off. This course doesn't give any freebies. We decided the next running trip we were going to make was going to be to a location where we'd be able to run some trails together without having to worry about a race or cut-off times. Just something we could go and enjoy the part about running that we love together. I'm proud of what he's doing. I see in him what ultra running is all about. One person versus the course. It's beat him a couple times, but he's won a few himself. He'll keep going back for the fight.
Section 5: Miles 27.2-31.7
Up up and away. After making it to mile 27.2 in under 5.5 hours I had visions dancing around my head about the possibility of breaking 10 hours. I mean, c'mon, I was over half-way done with the course and the "hard" "hill" was already over with. The next "hill" was the "easy" one and after that it was like 13 miles of downhill cruising to the finish line. 22+ miles in 4.5 hours - why not?
This is where I found out where my true fitness level was at. About two miles I sat down on the side of the trail and...heck, I don't remember what I was doing. I was just beat and exhausted. No more climbing please.
No pictures from this section. Too...tired.
Section 6: Miles 31.7-37
More climbing up to mile 37 and I didn't think I would live another day. Seriously. I didn't want to, anyway.
And this is when my stomach started acting up. I was having trouble stomaching anything at the aid stations, even water. Though I was forcing water down. Mountain bikers were flying by and I kept asking for a ride but they always just laughed thinking that I was joking. Seriously, guys, can you please give me a ride I'm so tired.
I took another break on the trail. This time for a bit longer. Long enough to take out my camera and take a photo of some trees. Sweet.

We bonded.
I eventually kept moving and finally made it to the top of the "easy" "hill." I'm in the best shape of my life but was given a reality check by this course.

The parking lot at the airstrip
(the race start/finish) is
barely visible in the distance.
Section 7: Miles 37-Finish
After Sun Top there was a brutal 6 mile section down a gravel road. It might have felt good to someone who still had something left in their legs, but I was losing anything I had left fast. Mentally it was nice finally going down. But physically...well, I guess no matter how I put it it was definitely better than the climbs before it. So I guess I'll stop complaining. :)
I had to make a couple emergency pit stops in the woods. My stomach has never been this upset during a run or race. I ate the same things I usually do: pb&j, fruit, chips, a bit of chocolate, etc. I'm not sure if it was race related (probably) or previous night's dinner related (maybe). I'd like to get a handle on my fueling if I ever want to go longer than 50 (I do).
After the final aid station there was just over six miles to go along the White River. My spirits got a bit higher knowing I was getting close. This was the most technical section of the trail. Lots of roots and rocks and sand and slippery descents.

the finish line.
At this point I'm thinking I have a chance to break 11 hours. But the trail kept going and going. Possibly the longest 6-mile section anywhere. On and on...
It wasn't until I was a couple hundred yard away that I could hear the finish line and the clapping and yelling. I was just hoping there wasn't another lap around the airstrip.
[Video of my completion of the White River 50.]
It wasn't until I was a couple hundred yard away that I could hear the finish line and the clapping and yelling. I was just hoping there wasn't another lap around the airstrip.
[Video of my completion of the White River 50.]
10:52:25. 122 out of 238 starters. Official results. I'm enthusiastically satisfied with that result. Dad and Jeanie were waiting at the finish line with a beer. Yes. And I was enthusiastically looking for someplace to sit down.
I'm going to rest a bit more. Maybe take a day or two off before I start planning the next big adventure. I want this race to really soak in.
Keep running!