17 November 2007

JFK 50 Mile Ongoing Race Day Updates

So the guy with the jet pack was disqualified, but luckily they don't seem to mind if I carry my laptop to make ongoing updates to my race report.

9:10 am: Mile 8. I thought internet access would be iffy on the Appalachian Trail, but here's to modern technological conveniences! So I missed the start of the race. The line to the bathroom was really long. Apparently some modern conveniences are still lacking. But I caught up at 2.5 miles and now Dad and I are running on the beautiful Appalachian Trail.

11:05 am: Mile 16. We saw Melanie, Zoe, Lisa, Megan, and Janie (my Dad's wife) at the second aid station. We are 30 minutes ahead of cutoff, and are trying to stay as close to cutoff as possible to conserve our energy (and stay in the race!). We left the Appalachian Trail and are feeling great!

2:16 pm: Mile 28. Dad dropped out following a cut-off time fiasco at the last aid station. I printed a table with the cut off times from the JFK website a few days ago to carry with me in th race, but the race officials announced at the beginning of the race that some of the times had changed. I didn't know whether the table I printed from the site include the old cut off times, or the newer ones, so I have been calling my sister periodically and getting the station cut off times from the race director. She told us the cut off time for the last station was 2 pm (my printed table said 1:45 pm) so I walked with Dad to the station after he decided he was going to drop out. When we walked up at 1:51 pm they told us we missed cut off. After the volunteers at the aid station discussed our situation with the race directors, I have decided to KEEP RUNNING, however, the volunteers said the race officials may decide to never allow me to enter the race again because I did not drop after missing the cut off time....

3:59 pm: Mile 38. Currently all alone in lead, but may have taken wrong turn...Getting tired.

4:40 pm: Mile 42. Got something to eat and feeling much better now. I'm going to finish. Got 8 miles left. I'm way ahead of a lot of people and kicking butt.

Around 6:30 pm: Mile 50. I am a JFK 50 Mile Finisher! Finish Time - 11 hours 15 min.

Congratulations Scott!! From your wifey (and ghost writer), Jeanie

Aroun 9:00pm: Hotel Room. First I want to thank Jeanie her help with the updates. She couldn't make the trip but was with me the entire way as my virtual crew member. :) I'll have a full race report with some great photos coming up in the next couple days. It was a crazy day and there are a lot of great stories. What an emotional roller coaster. What a great support crew Dad and I had. We couldn't finish together today - but it will happen in the future. More to come. Wow, I've finished a 50 mile race. Pretty cool, huh?


  1. Holy Cow... you really do have updates!!!

    Keep moving ahead of the cutoff and you will have no worries.

    I am cheering for you all!!!!!

  2. Sweet...you're doing awesome even with a rough start.

  3. Keep it going, and if you need more time, cut out these reports!

    Have you seen e-speed (Elizabeth) yet?

  4. Scott - I am heart broken about the cut off for you. These londer races really stick to these times and it can be TUFF!! I admire you for moving on!! There will be a lot of mixed feelings for other Ultra runners but you have to do what you believe.

    Being pulled SUCKS... trust me.

    You have GUTS!!

  5. If you are in the lead then my friend you likely are lost.

    Keep it moving.

  6. HOLY CRAP! I totally didn't check in enough to see this soon enough. My brain has been on this race all day though!!!
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! AND 11 HOURS?! Scott- you need to be an Olympian. I have high hopes for your running future. OH WOW. I am totally calling Shane to tell him about this NOW! (PS- hope you can still walk tomorrow).

  7. Man, what a heart breaker. It's hard to say how to handle the cut off issue. I'm glad you finished and look forward to the details.

  8. Awesome Scott, well done, look forward to the full report

  9. Congratulations scott!great to see you out there! You looked good and strong.

  10. Congratulations, Scott! Awesome awesome awesome!

  11. Scott, awesome job!!!!!!! Congratulations!

  12. Way to go, Scott!

  13. great job! Looking forward to the full write up!

  14. You're the man homie!!!! I want to see this report!!!

  15. Can't wait to hear the full story. You did awesome!

  16. That's amazing! Congratulations!!

  17. Way to go, Scott! Bring on that full report!!

  18. Congrats congrats congrats! That rocks you did it! I can't believe you have updates during the race!

  19. You are THE MAN!!! Freaking awesome! I cannot wait to hear all about it!

  20. Why to go...what an interesting race report that you and your wife put together. Sorry to hear that you missed that one cutoff, that sucks.

    Your 50 miles makes my 26.2 yesterday kind of whither on the vine.

    Congratulations on finishing.

  21. Way to go!!! Hat off to you. Congratulations!!! You ROCKS!

  22. well if you finished at 11 hours you must have been ahead of the cut off!

    Great job! Sorry I never saw you out there!

  23. Fifty miler "Check"! Will you use the car next time?

    See you at Capitol Peak 50 miler! Come on... you know you want to.


  24. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!
