25 June 2007

Rest Day and the Complete Removal of My Wisdom

So (gulp) today was a scheduled rest day. How did I spend it? Doing my 5.5 mile Headwaters Loop on Moscow Mt. I had no choice. Really. I rested about 90% of the day - does that count? I can explain....

For years (how old am I?) I've been putting off getting my wisdom teeth taken out. Well, six months ago my dentist told me it was something I needed to do soon or I'd regret it. SO, since this week is my cutback week I decided to schedule the removal of all four wisdom teeth. If I'm going to miss a few days from running I might as have as little impact on my running schedule as possible, right? And I definitely want to get this done sooner rather than later. It is scheduled for Thursday, so for me to get SOME miles in this week I HAVE to run today, tomorrow, and Wednesday. See, no choice. Then I'll have a nice little "break" to really rest up.

I'll be honest with you, I'm a wuss when it comes to needles and scalpels and tooth pliers and slick haired guys with funny blue masks. I'm not looking forward to it at all. Three of my younger siblings have had theirs pulled already and each reacting differently and had a different recovery time. I'm expecting to be the worst case, of course. Permanent nerve damage, facial deformation, dry socket. Whatever. (I'm actually getting a little queasy just writing about it...) I'll probably be in bed for a month. AAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

think happy thoughts

So, nice trail run today and then probably a couple easy ones the next two days. My body feels good and I still want to run right now. It was a beautiful day to run.

Hope everyone else can have beautiful running weather this week!



  1. Awwhhhhh you'll be FINE!!! Really!!! Geez, it's been awhile for me. I think I was 19 when I had mine out. The only bad side effects I can remember was throwing up from the anesthesia. Are you going to be knocked out? I'll keep happy thoughts for you!! ;D

  2. yippee! you get to eat ice cream for days!!! think of the fun! :) shakes from cougar country. blended anything. and while you recover, you can contemplate the next mc-clans race: deary idaho's 5K in august. put on by the deary high school cheerleaders who are apparently the aid station peeps.

  3. I pray all goes fine! It is SO muggy and running in DC has lost its luster as clothes become wet upon walking out the door... I shall get up and run tomorrow, hopefully it is cool in the AM!

  4. You're such a trouper, Scott! i had mine pulled about 10 years ago... You'll recover faster than you might imagine, and be running even faster. Heck, you'll be at least 1/200th of a pound lighter now with less teef!

    :o) SMILE! You got lotsa great ones left in your mouth... hang in there.

  5. I was scared to death when I had my taken out a couple years ago. Two pulled, two cut out. It wasn't too bad. Just a little groggy afterwards with bruised cheeks!

    Are you going to post any pics? :)

  6. good luck with the wisdom teeth thing. Luckily I had room for mine, I need all the wisdom I can get.

  7. I suppose you don't want to hear my truly awful tale about my wisdom teeth extraction then, huh? Well, if you need to commisserate come Thursday, let me know. I have a doosey for ya!

  8. From one woosee to another...good luck....hope you recover fast...

  9. You're a big boy - you'll be fine Scott. I had one out waaaaay back in my 20's...it was coming in sort of sideways or something. I think the formal terminology is 'impacted'. Wasn't too much trouble just uncomfortable.

    Rest is good. Take it easy.

  10. I am a huge pansy when it comes to the dentist! Don't worry, you'll be fine!! I had mine taken out about 10 years ago and it wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated. I was at a hockey game the next night! (just watching, not playing!)

  11. ouch. i got mine (4 of them) taken out at one session, so i hear you. i survived on ice cream and shakes for a week... lots o' calcium, right? i hope you will recover soon, and am amazed that you can run like that!

  12. oh, and ah - cougar country... they are still there, eh?

  13. Come on you BIG baby!!! LOL!! I know what you are saying and I am right there with you. I hate having any type of dental work.

    Question: Why do they ask you questions that they know you can not answer while they have your mouth open with a tube sucking the life out of you?

    Don't worry... you will be fine!!

  14. So two sisters moved here? how cool is that!!!

    You know beer is a liquid :). Just trying to help!!
